Show # 13: Gadget Tech
Ξ March 25th, 2008 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Podcasts |
This time on the cast I talk about everyday gadgets that I use and enjoy. Another show recorded in my car on my drive home as I discuss some of my most favorite gadgets. I take you through a typical day for me and talk about the little electronic (and some big) devices that make life easier and fun in 2008. Starting with my alarm clock all the way through my home theater that I relax in the evening with. I know I didn’t cover everything – I even forgot to talk about cell phones completely. Although frankly, I’m not a big cell phone user and have only sent a text message on mine like three times. Being a work phone I don’t use it much outside work. But anyway, I do talk about several of my favorites like my iPOD (which seems to be dying and not hold ing a charge) and my HD TIVO. Oh TIVO – I love you so! Hehe! So, I hope you enjoyed this brief look at the things that help me get through my day (most of which didn’t exist until fairly recently). Technology just seems to keep on moving ahead at an amazing pace!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Crushcrushcrush†– by Parmore
Outro – “All Along the Watchtower†– by Bear & Brendan McCreary